The third (and last) issue in the "Tangerine Dream Classics Edition" was Antique Dreams, a collection of rare and unreleased material from the seventies and eighties, first announced in 1998 and released in the summer of 2000. All material was available on an official CD for the first time ever. The series includes the albums:
Antique Dreams (Recorded 1971-1988, released 2000)
Back in 1974 TD had written the music for the theatrical play Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles. The planned album containing this music has been left unreleased until 2019, when it was finally released as part of the In Search Of Hades box set. The only exception: The Overture had been released on the Virgin sampler album V (1974). The version of this composition on Antique Dreams is shortened by more than five minutes compared to the original release, and some new sounds have been added.
Ultima Thule, Part One, the second track on this CD, is the A-side of the first TD single Ultima Thule (1971) and appears here in a remixed version.
Calymba Caly and Edinburgh Castle have been recorded live during the 1981 and 1980 European Tours and had been previously unreleased. The released version of Calymba Caly was edited somewhat strange, missing the first seven minutes, but including the initial four minutes of the following composition instead. For convenience of reference, the first six minutes of the released version are considered Calymba Caly (section Ancient Part) throughout this discography; the remainder is considered part of the composition Thermal Inversion. This track was aired on the Electrobeats show of 3rd February 1998, then wrongly identified as having been recorded at a putative show at the Dresden Hygienemuseum in 1980. In fact it is an excerpt from the Frankfurt show of 30th January 1981.
The tracks Flock Of Bluebirds and Speed Dragon originate from the 12" single release Das Mädchen auf der Treppe (1982); both tracks have been retitled and remixed. The original, unremixed versions have finally been released on an official CD 20 years later as part of Pilots Of Purple Twilight (2020), together with the other two tracks from the 12" single.
Moorland was the B-side of the single release Daydream/Moorland (1983); for this CD release it has been remixed by Edgar Froese, too. The original version, alongside with the single's A-side, Daydream, has been released later as part of Pilots Of Purple Twilight (2020) as well.
Sorcerer And Thief is a live medley of the composition Betrayal (Sorcerer Theme) from Sorcerer (1977) and material reminding of Diamond Diary from Thief (1981). The booklet states that this track was recorded at the Mill Valley Film Festival back in 1981; nevertheless it is more likely that it was recorded at the Festival in 1986, and TD played it also on the Berlin Reichstag concert in 1987 and during the 1990 UK tour.
The booklet states that Southend Mall was intended for release on TD's album Le Parc (1985), but it has not much in common with the compositions of that album. In fact, it is a solo production by Edgar Froese and is more similar to the material of his solo album Beyond The Storm (1995) or the solo material on the fifth CD of the boxed set Tangents (1994).
Cool Breeze Of Brighton was another previously unreleased composition, recorded live during the 1986 UK tour, while Phaedra Of Nottingham is a 1988 live version of the classic TD composition from 1974. The booklet tells that this track was recorded in Nottingham (hence the title) in 1990, and in fact Phaedra was performed at that gig, but it was not followed by Livemiles, that is clearly recognisable at the end of this track, making it obvious that it was recorded during the 1988 US tour instead.
House Of The Rising Sun, the closing title of this CD, was originally released on the 7" flexi disk House Of The Rising Sun (1989) as part of the US Reflex Magazine. Besides its rarity, this track is exceptional for at least two reasons: First, this track is one of the very few official recordings featuring the short time TD member Ralf Wadephul, and second, this is one of the very few compositions performed by TD but not written by a band member. The origin of this composition is unknown. The first printing of the lyrics is from 1925, but it goes back to at least 1905. The recording by The Animals from 1964 has become the best known version. Tangerine Dream re-arranged and performed the title during their 1988 US tour as an encore.
Especially the previously unreleased live material makes Antique Dreams an album coming up to the expectations some TD fans had back in 1998 when the CD Dream Encores was announced, but that later turned out to be a collection of mostly rare studio tracks.
Though the official release date of Antique Dreams was July 3rd, 2000, some copies were available about two or three weeks before.
In October 2007 most of the album became available as MP3 download at the Tangerine Dream Download Shop, now titled Antique Dream Land. This version features ten of the original twelve compositions, while two tracks (Ultima Thule, Part One and House Of The Rising Sun) were replaced by compositions from the album Green Desert (1986) in their reworked versions as released on the boxed set i-Box (2000).
Since the CD version of this album is out-of-print for some years and never has been re-released, it has somewhat become a rarity meanwhile. This might be the reason for a counterfeit release of this album, most probably originating from China. The CD itself is factory pressed (that is, not a CD-R). There are no audible sound loss or skipping sounds and the printed surface looks acceptable, although it is based on the original's inner tray cover, which is missing here. The printed inlays and booklet are printed on one side only, they are pale, blurred and bended (usually seen on Chinese bootlegs, as they are wrapped in plastic envelopes). The front cover is disgraced with some simplish fontsetting, replacing the original lettering in gold-stamped colour.
2010: -
Counterfeit-CD [a]:
2000: TDI/EFA
CD [a]: 63028-2
2007: Eastgate
Download [b]: complete release or individual tracks as MP3