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| Picture Palace music
Three Easter Nights At The BabylonMusic For Bunnies & Fallen Capitals
- Studio, released March 2008 -
Covers |  CD-R release [a] 2008 |  CD-R release [b] 2008 |
Tracks | |
Details | | | Recording site(s) | OrBeat Studios (Berlin), Q-Music Studios (Berlin), Townend Studios (Berlin) | Composer(s) | Sascha Beator, Thorsten Quaeschning | Musician(s) | Sascha Beator (synthesizer), Thorsten Quaeschning (drums, guitar, memotron, piano, synthesizer) | Producer(s) | Thorsten Quaeschning |
Notes | The EP Three Easter Nights At The Babylon was released in March 2008 on occasion of three silent movie concerts: Fritz Lang's Metropolis on March 21st, Robert Wiene's Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari on March 22nd, and Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's Nosferatu - Eine Symphonie des Grauens on March 25th. |
| Accordingly, this EP contains music inspired by these movies -- two tracks for each movie. |
| The full music for these movies was released on the following albums: |
| Notably, this EP features alternate non-album versions only. |
| There are two versions of this EP, the first one being both a misprint and a mispress: the catalog number PPM013 is in fact for Walpurgisnacht (should be PPM012), and tracks 3 and 4 are reversed. The corrected version lists the six compositions under slightly different names. |
| In August 2009 the EP became available as download from the PPM web shop as well. |
Releases | | | Germany | - 2008: PPM Web Shop
- CD-R [a]: PPM012; wrong order number PPM012 on back insert spine
- CD-R [b]: PPM012
| Worldwide | - 2009: PPM Web Shop
- Download: individual tracks or complete release as MP3