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2005, September 23 - 2005, September 25



Line-upEdgar Froese, Jerome Froese, Thorsten Quaeschning, Linda Spa, Iris Camaa plus various singers


September 23Brandenburg Theater (Germany)
September 24Brandenburg Theater (Germany)
September 25Brandenburg Theater (Germany)

Set List


The Paradiso Premiere Poster

The poster is based on artwork by Bianca Froese-Acquaye.

Thanks to Jacob Pertou for uploading this poster to his blog, and many thanks to the kind person sending him this photo.

(Click on the image to see a larger version of the poster in a new browser window)



Photos from the 2005 Premiere of Paradiso

Thanks to Chris Owen for uploading these photos to the tadream mailing list.

(Click on the images to see a larger version of the respective photo in a new browser window)



Photos from the 2005 Premiere of Paradiso

On their official website, Tangerine Dream provide a number of photos from these concerts.

(Click on the images to see larger versions of the photos in a new browser window -- these link directly to the official TD site)



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