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| News | 2025-01-03 | Once again, it took more than three years for this update. While I had been working on it now and then, for the most time I had set this project on hiatus for personal reasons. Given the long time, a vast amount of information has been added, and many corrections have found their way to the site. Besides that, I have made some tweaks on the technical side in order to provide a bit more precise information at several places.
This time I do not make any prediction at all on when the next update will happen. Lesson learned!
Many thanks to Wouter Bessels, Louie Bourland, Craig Davidson, Ryan Deken, Peter Dombrowski, Jörg Jankowitsch, Olaf Lux, Øyvind Pettersen, David Seigler and Uwe Zelt for helpful information. |
| 2021-09-19 | More than three years after the previous update -- this has been the longest interval yet, and I sincerely have to beg your pardon. But unexpected events in my personal life kept me either busy or just unable to work on the site for some time in 2019 and 2020. And then there was such an amount of things to be added that it took quite a while to catch up. I still have the intention to do smaller updates more often, but the past has proved different, so it was a good idea not to make any promises.
Thanks to David Davis, Peter Dombrowski, Matthias Fiebiger, Alan Freeman, Terry Hart, Andreas Horbank, Jörg Jankowitsch, Andy King, Ed Palmer, Cliff Proctor, Jean-Pierre Rabaté, Peter Ravn, Cal Reeks, Marcello Sandretto, George Schwalm, Eric Tripp, Jurgen Vitrier, Thomas Voldset and Frédéric Yargui for helpful hints, information and scans. |
| 2018-06-29 | Almost exactly one year after the last update -- I'm really sorry about the delay. Quite a large number of entries have been added and edited since last time, more to follow with the next update, whenever this will be. This time I do not promise more and smaller updates for the future. But... who knows...?
Thanks to Serge Le Bozec, Nicola Cont, Jörg Jankowitsch, Colin Jouxson, Andy King, Jean-Pierre Rabaté, Vughan Russell and Guillaume Souren for helpful hints, information and scans. |
| 2017-06-22 | Once again it took much, much longer than expected to do this update, due to limited time and other personal reasons. Several gaps are filled now, but there is still plenty in the pipeline for the next update, so please stay tuned!
Thanks to Nicola Cont, Stephe Feldman, Thomas Grigat, Jörg Jankowitsch, Andy King, Olaf Lux, Ed Palmer, Vaughan Russell and George Schwalm for helpful hints and information. Special thanks go to Peter Dombrowski who once again provided beautifully crafted artwork for some Tangerine Leaves volumes which were still lacking adequate covers. NB: This artwork is available for download from this site; just check out the pages of the respective volumes. |
| 2016-09-29 | This is a just an intermediate update, mainly because of some technical reasons: due to change of provider I had to re-upload the complete site, so I decided to upload the current state, which is still somewhat work-in-progress. It does fill quite a number of gaps from the previous update, but there is still much more to catch up. I intended to do more, smaller updates this year, but real life did not leave me much spare time to work on VitN. Maybe this will change in autumn/winter.
Thanks to Peter Dombrowski, Andy King, Vaughan Russell, Gregor Schmidt and Hans Sijtsma for helpful hints, information, scans and artwork. |
| 2016-02-14 | More than one and a half year after the previous update again... I took a hiatus from Voices In The Net for a while to focus on different things in my life. I am still in the progress of catching up, so some information may still be missing for the time being, but I intend to do smaller updates more often again in the future, so please stay tuned!
Thanks to Enrique Moës Borrego, Nicola Cont, Stephen Feldman, Hermes Guzman, Jörg Jankowitsch, Patryk Kałowski, Andy King, Siegfried Lindhorst, Martin Mensik, Ed Palmer, Jean-Pierre Rabaté, George Schwalm, Hans Sijtsma, Jonas Warstad and Frédéric Yargui for helpful hints, suggestion and information. |
| 2014-08-03 | A long, long overdue update, bringing the site up-to-date again. During the recent months I have made several hundreds of major and minor additions and corrections throughout the site. I really do hope that the next update will not need such a long time again!
Many thanks to Enrique Moës Borrego, Giampietro Callegaro, Gary Conrod, Nicola Cont, Marcin Dawid, Peter Dombrowski, Lawrence Dworak, Erling Jacobsen, Jörg Jankowitsch, Andy King, Siegfried Lindhorst, and Walter Quatannens for providing various hints and bits of information! |
| 2013-03-28 | This time, my thanks go to Gary Conrod, Nicola Cont, Jörg Jankowitsch, Erik Johnson, Andy King, Barry Lees, Olaf Lux, Jacob Pertou, Jean-Pierre Rabat, Peter Ravn, Peter Stoeferle, Yanick Vigneault and Klaus Werner for helpful information and additional scans. Special thanks to Enrique Moës Borrego for providing extensive information about numerous russian counterfeit releases (mainly from the nineties) which were still missing in the discography; more information regarding these unofficial releases will be added with the forthcoming updates.
Besides numerous additions and corrections throughout the whole site work has started on a discography of Picture Palace Music (featuring Thorsten Quaeschning); work on this section is still in progress, so these pages will be completed step by step with the next updates. |
| 2012-05-25 | Main focus of this regular update is the complete discography of TD short time member Michael Hoenig. Furthermore, information about all other (re-)releases since the last update have been added, there are many new ticket scans in the concerts section, and numerous minor additions and corrections have been made throughout the site.
Many thanks to Wouter Bessels, Enrique Moës Borrego, Jörg Jankowitsch, Andy King, Dean Mitchell, Ed Palmer, Cliff Proctor, Jacob Pertou, Peter Ravn and Armin Theissen for information and scans. |
| 2012-03-07 | The second update in 2012 mainly consists of additions and corrections to older entries; especially many new scans and background info have been added to the Concerts section once more. Furthermore, work on the individual solo discographies is slowly progressing.
This time, my thanks go to Wouter Bessels, Enrique Moës Borrego, Gary Conrod, Johan Edberg, Patrice Fournier, Andy King, Pep Lorca, Jacob Pertou, Cliff Proctor, Gregor Schmidt, Hans Sijtsma and Richard Waldie for corrections, scans and other helpful information. |
| 2012-01-06 | With this first update in 2012 the most recent TD releases have been added, and -- besides some minor changes on several pages -- more than 150 individual additions and corrections in the new Concerts section have been made.
Thanks to Klaus Beschorner, Enrique Moës Borrego, Nicola Cont, Robert Forman, Gerry Hill, Andy King, Dirk Müller, Ed Palmer, Jacob Pertou, Cliff Proctor, Jupe Uriarte, Jonas Warstad and Weary Tune Books & Music for helpful hints, information and additional scans. |
| 2011-11-26 | Heavily delayed again, this site has finally been updated once more. The most important reason for the delay is the addition of a completely new section, covering all live performances of TD. This section was initially suggested by Jörg Jankowitsch in early 2010, but I had no time to start working on it until May 2011. Besides the task to collect and edit the information now to be found on the more than 500 new pages, and to link these data with the existing portions of the site, I had to do some programming work on the technical fundaments of VitN to achieve a seamless integration of the new section. Finally, the site is again in a state to be re-published. Nevertheless, the new section is (and will be) still in progress; I hope to add more scans, photos, details and background information with every future update. Please note that each concert is linked to the recording(s) containing material from the show (and vice versa by clicking the recording date of the release), as well as to the compositions played during the tour or show; each composition, on the other hand, has a new paragraph that chronologically lists all its live performances. So, hopefully the whole thing will be a useful cross reference. Given the huge amount of data (and inconsistent or even contradictory information about specific dates or venues) I assume that there still are numerous errors which I will try to fix with the forthcoming updates.
With regard to updates: Beginning with 2012 I intend to to do smaller but more regular updates of the site on a (bi-)monthly base. Oops, didn't I say something similar almost two years ago? Well, like a number of TD fans, I for myself am not satisfied with the fact that during the recent years there have been only two or three updates each year. But VitN is (and always has been) a one-man show (more or less supported by TD fans who provide some helpful information from time to time -- which is thankfully appreciated!). VitN is strictly independent and has never been actively supported by "official" parties, like TDI, Eastgate or Tangerine Dream themselves. Thus, like every other fan/collector I have to buy each individual new release before I can listen to it; then I need some leisure time to listen and check out any mistakes and other peculiarities before I add the according information to the site. Additionally, once and again, I have to do some research on items I do not own or to verify information from third parties before I like to add these as a "fact" to the site. Last not least, as you might have noticed, English is not my native language, so it always needs a bit more time to write down textual information than it would if I wrote in German -- but then again, many visitors would not understand much of it. Eventually -- just when I am ready to update the site -- TD have already released a new bunch of CDs, so I decide to include them before uploading the new version of the site... and thus the delay gets longer and longer. But as said before: I will do my best to change my behaviour next year. :-)
And before I forget: This time the thanks go to John A. Burek, Ed Palmer, Jacob Pertou, Mark Schaffer and Hans Sijtsma for helpful hints, information and further support. And, of course, to Jörg Jankowitsch for setting the ball rolling... And to anyone I forgot to mention by mistake... |
| 2011-04-23 | Today I did just a minor update to add some more data and to fix some pages that got lost during the upload two days ago. |
| 2011-04-21 | The long overdue first update this year includes several additions and corrections, and especially some more entries for the solo discographies as well as information and cover photos of a number of re-releases (mostly from Japan and the USA). Of course, all regular new albums by TD that have been released since the last update have been added, too.
This time, special thanks go to Klaus Beschorner, Enrique Moës Borrego, Johan Edberg, Jan Egil Fadum, Dietmar Gerstlauer, Conrad Gibbons, Jörg Jankowitsch, Scott Klapman, Pep Lorca, Olaf Lux, Ed Palmer, Stefan Rother, Cees Schumacher, Hans Sijtsma and Daniel U. Thibault for helpful hints and information. |
| 2010-07-15 | With the second update for 2010 some new releases have been added, and the work on Chris Franke's solo discography is slowly proceeding. There were some more changes on the technical side, and (for the most part) I have combined original releases and their re-releases (with differing track listings) to single entries in the database, so the ever-growing list of releases is a little bit more compact now (see Aqua, White Out, Tyger, or Goblins Club as examples).
As another service I've added a link to the respective entry of the Internet Movie Database for each soundtrack, so you now can easily get more information on the movies TD provided the music for. I hope you find this feature helpful.
As always: thanks to those who supported this site with some helpful hints and information -- this time to Brian Burke, Eric Fillion and Stefan Rother. |
| 2010-04-15 | Later than intended, this is the first update for 2010, and during the recent months a number of TD albums have been released once more. Some details for the most recent ones are still missing and will be added with the next update.
I finally have started to add the solo albums of Chris Franke, but so far only very few are present in this discography; more will be added step by step with the forthcoming updates; the same applies to the solo discographies of other former TD members: there are still some releases and detail information to be added.
Furthermore, there have been some internal changes on the technical side of this site, especially the information about compositions and the corresponding links have been somewhat reworked regarding renamed tracks, remixes and re-recordings. I hope the information is even more useful and consistent now.
In an attempt to cover the monthly costs to host this website I have added links to an Amazon shop to some of the pages. So if you intend to buy some TD related music, I would be quite thankful if you would consider to do this via this shop as I will receive a small percentage of the sales volume generated through this shop.
Many thanks to Giovanni Agosti, Peter Carman, Eric Fillion, Jörg Jankowitsch, Pep Lorca and Stephane Poitou for helpful hints. |
| 2009-09-27 | This major update adds more than a dozen new Tangerine Dream albums that have been released in the first nine months of this year. Furthermore, more than 100 re-releases of TD's back catalog have been edited into the database, and several minor but nevertheless interesting details have been added to one or another page of this discography -- too many to be mentioned here.
Some new or alternative artwork for the Tangerine Tree and Tangerine Leaves series has been provided by different fans. Some of this artwork is now available from this site in ZIP archives, so check out those pages. More new artwork available for download will be added with future updates of this site.
Many thanks to Enrique Moës Borrego, Peter Carman, Dean Mitchell, Pedro Nogueira and Eric van den Acker for helpful hints and some rare cover scans. |
| 2009-02-26 | Unfortunately, this site has been offline for some weeks due to some technical problems beyond my control. Now its back online with a number of updated pages. There is still a lot to be added, so there will be likely another update in the near future. |
| 2008-12-16 | About half a year after the previous update I am still trying to catch up with the numerous releases of TD during 2008. There are still some gaps to be filled, and some of the most recent releases are still missing. Especially I was not able by now to edit every detail information supplied by some fans into the database, but all data will appear with a future update eventually. Just to show that VitN is still living I am uploading the site now as it is. And I hope I will be able to do updates somewhat more regularily in 2009.
Oh, last but not least: Many thanks to Enrique Moës Borrego, Jörg Jankowitsch and Eric van den Acker for helpful hints and some rare cover scans. Your support is much appreciated! |
| 2008-06-07 | After a long hiatus, this site has again been updated. Once more, a large number of TD albums have been released meanwhile; some of the most recent of them are not part of this site yet, they will be added with a future update. Furthermore the discography of former member Johannes Schmoelling has been added (only studio albums; his radio plays will follow).
Many thanks to Peter Carman and Eric van den Acker for hints and contributions.
Due to some computer data loss I may have missed to add a number of details several fans and collectors have sent me during 2007. If you find some information missing, please feel free to contact me! |
| 2007-07-14 | Almost 30 new official releases have seen the light of day since the last site update in September 2006, so please check out the Records section. As always a number of further additions and corrections have been made. Due to time constraints I have not been able to fill all gaps with this update, but at least the site is more or less up to date now. Additional information may be added with some smaller updates during the next months as far as my personal circumstances allow.
Many thanks for hints, scans and further support to Enrique Moës Borrego, Nicola Cont, Bruce Dunnett, Johan Edberg, Jörg Jankowitsch, Colin Jouxson, Dean Mitchell, Øyvind Pettersen and Eric van den Acker.
Sorry if I seem to have forgotten to mention YOU who have contributed some info as well; I still have to check a number of emails from several fans and add according information to this site with future updates. |
| 2006-09-18 | This update features information about all official albums released since the previous update (including Blue Dawn and a number of compilations) and another bulk of fan releases from the Tangerine Tree and Leaves series. Two new pages have been added to the Stories section: check out the extensive information about Japanese Re-Issues as well as the Mars Polaris Mystery, both featuring numerous new scans of album artwork.
Furthermore some spelling errors have been fixed, and a lot of minor changes and additions have been made, thanks to the hints given by Bruce Dunnett, Allan Fredrickson, Gustavo Jobim, Mathias Manrique, C.A. Polk, Adam Segal Isaacson, Guillaume Souren, Eric van den Acker and John Vertical. Last but not least a link to Ralf Wadephul's new website has been added as well. |
| 2006-04-30 | The complete solo discography of former member Peter Baumann has been added, consisting of four major studio albums and a number of related single releases and a compilation. Furthermore this update adds a small amount of background information for recent releases which were previously missing.
Due to limited time for this project further additions are postponed and will be part of a future update. |
| 2005-11-27 | Tangerine Dream have been very busy during the last months, so this heavily delayed update presents a quite large number of new releases again, including Cleveland - June 24th 1986, Brighton - March 25th 1986, Kyoto, Space Flight Orange, Jeanne d'Arc, Rocking Mars, the re-release of Phaedra as well as Edgar Froese's re-releases of Aqua, Macula Transfer, Stuntman and Pinnacles and the new compilation Orange Light Years, and furthermore Jerome Froese's preview single Radio Pluto and his first full length album Neptunes. Additionally, a total of 39 (!) new releases of the Tangerine Tree/Leaves fan project are listed now, though lots of details are still missing here. Last but not least a link to Jerome Froese's new site has been added to the Links page.
Thanks to Johan Edberg, Colin Jouxson, Andreas-Michael Klein, Michael Moser, Ivan Alfonso Brantes Salinas, Guillaume Souren, Steven Szep, John Vertical and Thierry for helpful hints. Special thanks to Nicola Cont for additional information and cover scans. Very special thanks to Allan Fredrickson for cover scans and a very nice surprise! |
| 2005-03-24 | This update features several new releases, including Jerome Froese's C8H10N4O2, Edgar Froese's new album Dalinetopia and his re-releases of Epsilon In Malaysian Pale and Ages, as well as the new TD release Vault IV.
Furthermore an extensive, chronological list of all Tangerine Dream concerts that have been released as part of the Tangerine Tree/Tangerine Leaves fan project has been added, as well as a link to Zlatko Perica's site.
Thanks to Jon Aanensen and Steven Szep for helpful hints. |
| 2004-10-02 | Unfortunately, my day-time job has not left me the time to update the site during the last months. So this update is long overdue, including a lot of new releases and further details and corrections. A server change of my internet provider made this update now necessary, though I had not yet finished editing the data. Thus, some of the new pages still contain incomplete information; I'll try to complete these data during the next weeks (or months) with the forthcoming updates.
A number of records have been released since the last update: especially the major TD releases Purgatorio, East, Arizona Live and the Ground Liftaz compilation Unpleasant Poems. The eleven releases of Tangerine Tree V have been added to 'Fan Releases', and Chris Franke's solo CD The London Concert and Johannes Schmoelling's solo album Recycle Or Die have finally been added to the section 'Cover Versions', as both contain some re-recorded TD compositions. Furthermore, links to Steve Jolliffe's and Edgar Froese's new sites have been added.
Many thanks (again) to Nicola Cont, Stephe Feldman, Andreas-Michael Klein, Heiko Neumann, John Vertical and John von Pey for helpful hints and cover scans. |
| 2004-03-14 | The heavily delayed first update of 2004 presents all details of a quite large number of records by Tangerine Dream and Edgar Froese that have been released during the last months. Furthermore the second set of Tangerine Leaves has been released in late 2003 and is introduced here with full details. The fifth set of Tangerine Tree is about to be released at time of writing, and details about this set will be presented with the next update of this site, as well as some more fothcoming official releases. 2004 seems to become a quite busy year for TD fans and collectors!
A large number of minor additions and fixes throughout the discography have been made, too much to be mentioned individually. Many thanks to Nicola Cont, Hermes Guzman, Andreas-Michael Klein, Ed Palmer, Peter Prisekin and Coen Rampen for helpful hints, cover scans and further support. |
| 2003-10-25 | This update presents the most recent official Tangerine Dream release: The Bootleg Box Set Vol. 1 is based on the Tangerine Tree fan project that was introduced to Voices In The Net with the previous update. Meanwhile eleven new volumes of this project have been released that are featured in the section Fan Releases. Also present now is the spin-off Tangerine Leaves that includes twelve volumes so far. There is also a preview to the forthcoming new TD album DM 4 and Edgar Froese's solo albums Ambient Highway Vol. 1, Ambient Highway Vol. 2, Ambient Highway Vol. 3, Ambient Highway Vol. 4 and Introduction To The Ambient Highway. Details about these records will follow with the next update.
Besides these major aspects several minor additions and fixes have been made, thanks to helpful hints and support by James Owens, Ed Palmer and Vic Rek. Your support is much appreciated. |
| 2003-05-24 | An unexpected amount of free time made this major update possible. Of course, it presents the brand new album Mota Atma, and, like always, several minor fixes have been made, this time thanks to hints by Nicola Cont, Jan Egil Fadum, Heiko Heerssen, Heiko Neumann and John Vertical.
Furthermore, the release detail data have been finally completed, including order numbers, label variations, mispressings and other details useful for hardcore TD collectors. Thanks, once again, to Peter Stöferle and Siggi Lindhorst for providing lots of data.
But one of the two major aspects of this update is a rehaul of the Compositions section. Several alternate composition names have been added to make the Composition index page more useful; thus that section now includes more than 800 entries! Furthermore, the individual composition pages have been extended with hundreds of comments and cross references to shed some light on the countless edited, remixed, re-recorded and renamed versions of Tangerine Dream compositions. There might still be some inconsistencies due to the great amount of data; those will be fixed in future updates.
The other main aspect of this update is definite the introduction of the new section Fan Releases, presenting the currently 26 released volumes of Tangerine Tree, probably the most engaged and successful TD fan project so far, initiated by members of the internet tadream discussion list. Thanks to all fans involved in this project, especially to 'Tangerinedreamer' for keeping it rolling and allowing some of his liner notes to be used here. The twelve released volumes of the Tangerine Leaves project will be included with the forthcoming update.
Dream on! |
| 2003-03-16 | A minor update, presenting the new CD single Astoria Theatre London, and fixing several minor errors once again. Detail information of releases have been added once more and are now complete starting with Ricochet (1975). Thanks to Jan Egil Fadum, Richard Gauthier, Dietmar Gerstlauer, Peter Stöferle and John Vertical for helpful hints! |
| 2002-12-14 | This site has been visited more than 10,000 times now -- high time for the first update after four months. The new TD release The Melrose Years has been added to the discography as well as the russian pirate compilation titled Electronic Collection; furthermore detail information of releases have been added once more and are now complete starting with Stratosfear (1976). Several minor errors have been fixed once again.
Thanks to Nicola Cont, Jan Egil Fadum, Jörg Jankowitsch, Dirk Müller, Thomas Soucheleau and Peter Stöferle for helpful hints! |
| 2002-08-17 | Voices In The Net is online now for a little more than one year, and by now more than 7,100 people have visited the site. Thanks to all who have supported the site with their knowledge and helpful hints! Tangerine Dream have reworked their own website some days ago and finally have added a link to Voices In The Net -- thanks, too!
With this update detail information for some more releases have been added -- they are now complete starting with Tangram (1980). One more decade to go until the data are complete! All links to sound samples provided by TD/TDI have been temporarily removed -- due to the reworking of their site, the links had been broken. They will be added again with a future update. Furthermore, some errors have been fixed and some minor additions have been made -- thanks to Duncan McKee and John Vertical for helpful hints! Additionally, the Links page has been reworked to link to the freshly designed TD homepage, as well as to the sites of Gerald Gradwohl and Iris Camaa. |
| 2002-07-18 | Detail information of releases have been added again and are now complete starting with White Eagle (1982); more will follow with the next update. Several more cover scans have been added (including the Argentinian version of Firestarter) -- thanks to Siggi Lindhorst. And, of course, the 'new' release Journey Through A Burning Brain has been added. Furthermore, several minor errors have been fixed -- thanks to Klaus Beschorner, Morgan Feldon, Dietmar Gerstlauer, Jörg Jankowitsch and Peter Stoeferle for helpful hints! |
| 2002-05-30 | A new section Bootlegs has been added to the discography. Thanks to all TD die-hard collectors who made their information about concerts, fan tapes and bootlegs available in the internet. Very special thanks to Klaus Beschorner who supplied his updated classic article Bootlegged Dreams, including an exclusive set of photos. Many thanks to Duncan McKee once again, this time for providing several scans of vinyl bootleg covers, and to Peter Stöferle for bootleg infos and general support of Voices In The Net. |
| 2002-04-07 | With this month's update the complete release details of Edgar Froese's solo albums (from Aqua to Beyond The Storm) have been added. And, of course, details about TD's new album Inferno are included now. Besides that, corrections and minor additions have been made, and many more cover photos have been added or were replaced by better scans.
Thanks to all TD collectors who support this site with helpful hints and corrections -- especially to Duncan McKee for additional scans! |
| 2002-03-03 | After a long delay, detail information of releases have been added again, thanks to Peter Stöferle and Siggi Lindhorst. The data are now complete starting with Wavelength (1984); details about the older releases will be added soon. Some more cover photos for 7" releases have been added, and background notes about several TD releases have been completed -- especially the original playlists of two more live concerts have been added that were released on official albums: Poland and Livemiles. There is also a new release of Jerome Froese aka TDJ Rome: Vermond Curry. |
| 2001-11-17 | This update includes additional notes about several TD releases taken from 30 Years Of Dreaming by Kent Eskildsen, who kindly offered his work to be used as additional background source for Voices In The Net. More information from this source will be added in the forthcoming updates.
Furthermore an overview about all TDI releases was added to the stories section, and -- starting with the releases Logos Live, 220 Volt Live and Sohoman -- details about the original playlists of the respective concerts have been added. This additional information might be useful for TD collectors, as the material released on live recordings often differs from the material originally played during the gigs. Similar information will be added for other live recordings in future updates. |
| 2001-09-23 | Besides several minor enhancements, a new section Cover Versions was added to the discography.
Thanks to Paul Fellows and, once again, to Duncan McKee for helpful hints. |
| 2001-09-02 | Today's update once again includes release details, starting with Oranges Don't Dance (1990). Thus all records that have been released after the publication of the printed discography Voices In The Dunes are now featured in full detail. Release details of older records will follow with the next updates. Furthermore, some new cover scans have been added, and a few minor additions and corrections have been made.
If you find some errors or missing data you are invited to send me an email! |
| 2001-08-26 | Due to lack of time, only a minor update has been made today. Besides some minor corrections and additions, about ten cover photos have been replaced by new scans of much better quality, and another Dream Collector story has been added including new scans from the TDI promo sheet.
Many thanks to all the visitors for their kind comments in the guestbook! The next update will include new release details again. |
| 2001-08-12 | The first regular update includes the details of all releases of the last seven years, from Tangents to The Past Hundred Moons.
This site is now member of the Yahoo Tangerine Dream webring, and the guestbook of Voices In The Net is now accessible: you are welcome to drop a note there!
Thanks to the many guests of this site for the positive reactions they sent to Peter and me, and for their offers to contribute information to this site. Special thanks to Duncan McKee and Frits Couwenberg for helpful hints, and especially to Jupe Uriarte for scanning and providing photos of the rare CMC 440 version of Aqua II. |
| 2001-08-04 | Finally, after some more weeks of delay, here it is! Most of the sections of Voices In The Net are online now - the guestbook will go online soon.
Siegfried Lindhorst and Peter Stöferle are still scanning their record collections and hundreds of notes to complete the details of any official TD record that has ever been released on vinyl or CD. Due to this great amount of work (not to forget the editor's job to add their handwritten remarks to the database) it will need some more time until all available data are included in this discography. So currently only the entries for Electronic Meditation, Stratosfear, Poland and Mars Polaris are complete including data of all known vinyl and CD releases of these records. Data for other records will be added step-by-step during the next weeks. |
| 2001-04-20 | The first internet release of Voices In The Net went online, currently presenting only a welcome page and a list of links. The complete site is planned to go online in June 2001 after the discography database has been completed with the kind support by some TD 'hardcore' collectors. |
| 2001-04-18 | Registered the domain 'www.voices-in-the-net.de'.
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