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| Edgar Froese
Beyond The Storm- Compilation/Studio, released 1995 -
Cover |  CD release UK 1995 Photo: Buggy G. Riphead |
Tracks | |
Details | | | Recording date | 1974 - 1995 | Composer(s) | Edgar Froese | Musician(s) | Edgar Froese | Producer(s) | Edgar Froese |
Notes | In 1995, twelve years after Edgar Froese's last solo production Pinnacles in 1983, a double CD was released by Virgin, consisting of 28 tracks, part of them revealed for the first time. According to Froese: "The unreleased material consists of original compositions which were created over the last twenty years or so. Part of them existed as lead sheets, part on multi-tracked tapes, some from the original source on 1/4 inch tapes (which disintegrated upon being played). A lot of the ideas from these fragments were incorporated into the new recordings. It's impossible for me to give the precise date for each piece of music, since my library of unreleased musical anecdotes encompasses more than 60 hours of music. When Virgin asked me to assemble this compilation, I felt there were several 'missing links' in the background feeling and came up with drawing on a very small percentage of my private recordings. There are about 52 hours left to be used -- sometime!" |
| The material taken from the earlier solo recordings has been reworked by Edgar Froese like he did one year before with TD material for the compilation Tangents. Some of the tracks have been only slightly reworked, others, like Upland, are radically remixed: After an intro with sound effects from the 1974 version, a strong rhythm is introduced which makes it hardly impossible to recognize the original composition. Some of the previously unreleased material was composed years ago and was only produced or overlayed with the help of modern equipment. |
| But this is not the only thing in common with TD's Tangents box: Also the booklet of Beyond The Storm contains a long essay by British music journalist Mark Prendergast, it contains similar computer and alienated photo artwork but no photograph of the musician -- and once again, with the text layout Virgin included a sight test in the booklet. The booklet mentions the CD title as Season Beyond The Storm which was shortened to be the final title. The text does not give any hints to the time when the previously unreleased material was composed, so it is up to the listener to compare this music to other TD and Froese solo material. Writes Mark Prendergast: "Fans will have fun trying to spot the period these recordings come from, even though most have been overhauled with 1990s sampling and synth sounds." |
| Edgar Froese himself: "I just had to struggle around with my own craziness, which was difficult enough -- I didn't have to step into somebody else's mental structures. I feel really good about Beyond The Storm -- I always describe my own stuff as between travel and dream. I like to travel down roads where the trees stand upside down -- to me it's a different perspective of the world, out of the normal, into the surreal. [...] Songwriters compose lyrics about situations themselves went into. I describe in music the situations I got into, what I felt, what I thought. To me it's not complicated music, the kind of music everyone can get into." (Future Music, August 1995) |
Releases | | | Europe | - 1995: Virgin
- 2CD: 840 104-2; slim double jewel case, black/silver discs
| UK | - 1995: Virgin
- 2CD: AMBT 5; slim double jewel case
| USA | - 1995: Caroline
- 2CD: CAROL 1985; slim double jewel case