The Island Of The Fay, based on the short story by Edgar Allan Poe, is the first release of the new Eastgate's Sonic Poems Series. The album is subtitled "A Nonverbal Musical Translation" on the back insert, hence the album features completely instrumental music without any vocals as some fans expected (or feared?) when first information about this project came out. This series consists of the following albums:
For the first time since 2008 Thorsten Quaeschning has contributed some compositions to a TD album again; three of the eight tracks are credited to him, the other five to Edgar Froese. The album is performed by the current TD live line-up (consisting of Edgar Froese, Thorsten Quaeschning, Linda Spa, Iris Camaa and Bernhard Beibl) with new member Hoshiko Yamane, who sets some highlights with her electric violin.
The CD comes with an 8-page booklet, featuring the full-length short story on two of the pages (in very tiny typeface), a half-page biography of E.A. Poe as well as credits and the track listing.
Regarding the Eastgate CD release, neither disc nor the paper inserts show any order number or barcode, but the number given below is the order number the Eastgate Music Shop lists this release.
Only a few days after its CD release this album became available as MP3 download at the Tangerine Dream Download Shop as well.
2011: Eastgate
CD [a]: eastgate 049 CD; multicoloured disc; matrix code: 1256
Download [a]: complete release or individual tracks as MP3