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| Sony Center Topping Out Ceremony ScoreBerlin - Potsdamer Platz - September 2nd 1998 Composed and Performed by Tangerine Dream
- Studio, released September 1998 -
Cover |  CD-5 release Germany 1998 |
Track | |
Details | | | Recording date | 1998 | Composer(s) | Edgar Froese, Jerome Froese | Musician(s) | Edgar Froese, Jerome Froese | Producer(s) | Edgar Froese, Jerome Froese |
Notes | The promotional CD issued for the Sony Center topping out ceremony contains the complete track composed for the dance performance on the construction site at the Potsdamer Platz area in Berlin. In the official program of this event, the chapters of the Meet The Future dance performance were titled Tanz des Bauarbeiters (Construction Worker's Dance), Tanz der Kommunikation (Communication's Dance), Tanz des Wohnens (Residential Dance), Tanz der Freizeit (Recreational Dance), Tanz des Forums (Dance Of The Forum), and Tanz der Kunst (Dance Of The Arts). |
| There was never a regular release of this CD, but those collectors who ordered the so-called "Millennium Booster" from TDI in late 1999 (a set that was supposed to contain the pre-release of Great Wall Of China and the second limited edition of The Keep) were surprised by TDI with a special gift: Besides a bonus poster the box contained a copy of the extraordinary rare Sony Center Topping Out Ceremony Score CD-5. |
| In late 1998 Edgar Froese had announced in the German 'Electrobeats' radio show that, in case Sony would issue a CD-ROM featuring their Berlin building, TD would get the rights to release the music after that. Then it might have its full length of 32 minutes instead of only 18 used for the promotional CD. But so far, neither an official Sony CD-ROM nor the 'extended' version of the score have seen the light. |
| Sony produced a 31 minute video for the company's own purposes. It has not been released officially, but copies circulate among collectors. The video shows excerpts from the speeches, an overview of the building's architecture and the complete music and dance gig of TD and the dance ensemble of the Berlin 'Komische Oper' ('Comedian Opera'). |
Releases | | | Germany | - 1998: TDI
- Promo-CD-5: -; digipack