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| Tangerine Dream
A Dream Unbound / Seekers Of Dreams / Orange Festival- Live, released 1988 -
Covers |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  LP bootleg release 1988 |  7" bootleg release 1988 |
Tracks | | | | | | | | [a] | [b] | [c] | 1. | Live Material [Untitled] | 17:30 | 17:30 | - | 2. | Live Material [Untitled] | 17:52 | 17:52 | - | 3. | Live Material [Untitled] | 3:45 | - | 3:45 | 4. | Live Material [Untitled] | 3:50 | - | 3:50 | Total running time | 42:57 | 35:22 | 7:35 |
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Notes | Early 1988 saw a bootleg release that might well become known as the most chaotic of all times. TD had played on a Summer Festival in the ruins of a Roman amphitheatre in Orange (France) on August 16, 1975. A well listenable tape recording of this event circulated among collectors all over the world, and in 1988 American bootleggers finally pressed a bootleg from a very bad copy of it. |
| The bootleg exists in two forms: a LP and a 7" single with additional music material. There are two major releases: the 'original', titled A Dream Unbound with text on the labels and the 'reissue' (although both issues appeared at the same time) Seekers Of Dreams, which has no text on the labels. This applies for the LP and the 7". |
| All of these were sold in countless variations: the LPs and singles on their own, or packages with the LP and the single packed together. For each of the LPs and singles (and their combinations in packages), at least five different covers are known. Some of them are just photocopied papers, but most of them are printed colour sheets showing fantasy and science fiction paintings. They were well available all over the United States for some time, so the edition should have been a few hundred copies each. Copies of the LP A Dream Unbound were released on white and red vinyl, too. |
| This bootleg became obsolete due to the release of Tangerine Tree Volume 22: Orange 1975. |
Releases | | | USA | - 1988: 'Public Records'
- Bootleg-LP [b]: 5188; white, red or black vinyl, orange/black labels, white sleeve
- Bootleg-LP/Bootleg-7" [a]: 5188; white, red or black vinyl, orange/black labels, white sleeve
- Bootleg-7" [c]: 5188; black vinyl, orange/black labels, black/white sleeve, titled Orange Festival