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| 2016, September 03 Windeck kabelmetal- Schwingungen Festival am Wasserfall -
Details | |
Records | | | Tangerine Dream: Official Releases | 2016 | Particles (Tracks 4-8 only) |
Set List | |
Notes | Tangerine Dream's concert at this small venue near a waterfall was headliner of the three-day event "Schwingungen-Festival am Wasserfall". A small venue, and a small stage: Thorsten Quaeschning and Ulrich Schnauss on the left and on the right with keyboards and other machinery (Thorsten Quaeschning also with a guitar), in the middle Hoshiko Yamane with violin, music stand and FX machine. There were no big TV screens this time, but a big screen for the projector behind the stage. Before TD started to play the organizer welcomed Bianca Froese-Acquaye on stage who said a few words about the Quantum Years and the forthcoming tours planned for 2017: Asia, America, Europe. Then the band played for more than two hours. Most of the show was accompanied by visuals, some of them known from previous concerts, some of them new. |
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